Payment FAQ
If you’re looking for information about mailing in your payment to a physical location, please note that it is imperative that payments are sent to the correct lockbox addresses. Failure to send your payments to the correct lockbox address will potentially force your policy into pending cancellation status. Please make note of the below lockbox addresses for payments:
(Policy Prefix “MA-” or “MG-”)

Anchor Group Management Inc.
PO Box 84947
Chicago, IL 60689-4947
(Policy Prefix “CA-” or “GL-”)

Anchor Group Management Inc.
PO Box 84071
Chicago, IL 60689-4002
We do not collect payments for policies with a prefix of “PZA-” or “PZG-.” These payments need to be mailed directly to National Interstate.
National Interstate
(Policy Prefix “PZA-” or “PZG-”)

National Interstate Insurance
ATTN: Accounting
3250 Interstate Drive
Richfield, OH 44286